Eksport Vooruzheniy

№4'2017 (July-August)

Eksport Vooruzheniy (Arms Exports) is Russia’s research journal focusing on defense industry and arms trade issues. The first issue was published by the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) in 1997.

The journal is a bi-monthly. Its subscribers include Russian government agencies and defense industry players, financial institutions, embassies, Russian and foreign research institutions and defense industry experts and journalists.

Eksport Vooruzheniy is published in Russian only. For subscription details and sample articles, please visit the Russian version of our web site. For the English-language audience, we publish the Moscow Defense Brief, a quarterly that includes brief versions of some Eksport Vooruzheniy articles, as well as original pieces.

Issue: №4'2017 (July-August)

  • Impact of the Middle East Wars on Iran's Economy
  • Global Arms Market in Second Quarter of 2017
  • Russia’s State Defence Procurement in 2016
  • World Market of Unmanned Ground Vehicles
  • Strategic Analysis of Rolls-Royce: Context, Problems and Prospects
  • Arms Export of Germany: Government’s Official Data 2016
  • Brazil: The War in Selva